Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Chicks

Dear all,
I got something new to brighten up my days. Got myself 5 chicks.. ayam hutan.
Dad found it in our kebun last week. He brought back the 5 eggs and put them in a small basket with little pieces of newspapers and old socks. They took 2 days to hatch.
They are so adorable with their little cute wings. Wanted to just name them 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.. but they look they same.. identical and I couldn't get to differentiate them to name them. They are brown in colour with light brown stripes.
I couldn't take their pictures. They say do not take pictures of your pets or else they will die early. I'm not superstitous but just a precaution.
Anyway, we won't keep them very long. Mum said the neighbours might complain of their noise and probably smells. Hmm.. I'm starting to love them. Everyday I let them sleep on my palms. They love the heat.
I can't wait to go home, which feels like a mini zoo now. I miss them already. Hee..

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