Thursday, August 7, 2008


08.08.08.. the date! Today is the day that I planned to get married. But I'm really so far from it. My plan was that today after Isyak I'm going to get married, but don't know whether akad nikah at home or mosque.. doesn't matter. The point is, my plan didn't work.

Instead, my friend Sheeda took the date. I'm not blaming her or dislike her in some way because she's getting married today. I'm happy for her of course. It's just that I feel down abit.. you know, because I'm not even close to my plan. I'm a bad planner!

Truth is deep down I'm aching inside. All that I can do now is to have faith right? I do, really! Just hoping for the best.

Pray for me!

They're gone!

hello all...

The chicks are gone! Yesterday morning my dad brought them to his ayah angkat's house. The chicks are getting bigger and they fly now. So the cage is so small for the five of them. They deserve a place where there are bigger cages and lots of friends. I couldn't get myself to say goodbye to them yesterday. My mum almost cried when my dad took the cage and put it in the car. Mum said that the chicks looked really scared. Yeah, they should coz they don't even know where there are going. Well, they are chicks, what do they know right? I mean all they do is eat, play, drink and sleep.

The house is really quiet now. Usually we hear them "nyetting". Our morning routines are now different somehow. Every morning before going to work, I checked on them to see whether the food is enough. Mum always checked on them after she gets up. If they are sleeping, she wouldn't open the back door or else they would awake and starting to "nyet".

Well, the point that I am trying to make is that we miss them alot. Though I didn't get the chance to name them, but I love them alot. They used to sleep in my palms. My little babies.