I'm just so stressed out lately. With my work! I just can't take it anymore. Everything is on me. The burden is becoming unbearable. Poor little old me. I actually don't know to whom should I talk to. And my acne is breaking out! My God!
But hopefully this tortured burden will not be long on me. If you know what I mean.. Well, pray for me ok?
Hope things will turn out great soon.
1 comment:
My sis...relax...takde problem yg takde penyelesaian...take a deep breath first...tenangkan diri dulu...then bila you got your peace of mind...baru pikir pasal "mende" yang kasi serabut tu...
Burden atau tidak...it's a challenge...whether u like it or not..you have to take it...but be brave...be strong...it's not easy...anyway...we can't run away from it...anyway...it'll give you something yang tak ternilai...iaitu PENGALAMAN...through that experience...you'll be better to face any challenge in the future...
I notice that you are not that weak before...be yourself! Believe that you can do it...excellently...
anyway...kalau ada apa2 do not hesitate to contact me...the way we were before...a long long time ago...
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