Thursday, August 7, 2008


08.08.08.. the date! Today is the day that I planned to get married. But I'm really so far from it. My plan was that today after Isyak I'm going to get married, but don't know whether akad nikah at home or mosque.. doesn't matter. The point is, my plan didn't work.

Instead, my friend Sheeda took the date. I'm not blaming her or dislike her in some way because she's getting married today. I'm happy for her of course. It's just that I feel down abit.. you know, because I'm not even close to my plan. I'm a bad planner!

Truth is deep down I'm aching inside. All that I can do now is to have faith right? I do, really! Just hoping for the best.

Pray for me!

They're gone!

hello all...

The chicks are gone! Yesterday morning my dad brought them to his ayah angkat's house. The chicks are getting bigger and they fly now. So the cage is so small for the five of them. They deserve a place where there are bigger cages and lots of friends. I couldn't get myself to say goodbye to them yesterday. My mum almost cried when my dad took the cage and put it in the car. Mum said that the chicks looked really scared. Yeah, they should coz they don't even know where there are going. Well, they are chicks, what do they know right? I mean all they do is eat, play, drink and sleep.

The house is really quiet now. Usually we hear them "nyetting". Our morning routines are now different somehow. Every morning before going to work, I checked on them to see whether the food is enough. Mum always checked on them after she gets up. If they are sleeping, she wouldn't open the back door or else they would awake and starting to "nyet".

Well, the point that I am trying to make is that we miss them alot. Though I didn't get the chance to name them, but I love them alot. They used to sleep in my palms. My little babies.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today, 30th day of July 2008...

My starscope:

Hmm... something to ponder on...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Chicks

Dear all,
I got something new to brighten up my days. Got myself 5 chicks.. ayam hutan.
Dad found it in our kebun last week. He brought back the 5 eggs and put them in a small basket with little pieces of newspapers and old socks. They took 2 days to hatch.
They are so adorable with their little cute wings. Wanted to just name them 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.. but they look they same.. identical and I couldn't get to differentiate them to name them. They are brown in colour with light brown stripes.
I couldn't take their pictures. They say do not take pictures of your pets or else they will die early. I'm not superstitous but just a precaution.
Anyway, we won't keep them very long. Mum said the neighbours might complain of their noise and probably smells. Hmm.. I'm starting to love them. Everyday I let them sleep on my palms. They love the heat.
I can't wait to go home, which feels like a mini zoo now. I miss them already. Hee..

Friday, July 25, 2008

Painful moments..

Dear all,

It has actually been about 1 month since I blogged (is that even a word?).

Regretfully to say that I'm in pain at the moment. Here's the story.. I fell down the stairs of the ferry coming back from Tioman. It was so slippery. The stairs were not too high but as I stepped on the second stair, I slipped and fell at the bottom of the stairs. I screamed.. but nobody helped me. Who ever said that Malaysian is very friendly and full of hospitality, that person is a load of crap! Malaysians are not nice. Well, Malaysians generally are ONLY nice to foreigners. There was a guy sitting at my left side when I fell, but he just looked at me. Like falling down is a normal thing.. No help at all, no that "Are you ok" thing. Anyway, I couldn't move for 2 minutes I think. I hit my back at the edge of the stairs. The journey coming back from Mersing to KL was unbearable. I was sitting at the back of the naza ria and the ride was kinda bumpy. Imagine how my butt felt like. I could even walk because I hit my right leg as well.

The next day my mum brought me to do some x-rays. Met this so-called chiropractor. I don't want to state the name of the hospital.. all I can say is that it is a specialist hospital. Anyway, this doctor asked me to do some x-rays on my right leg and my butt. I did it, paid for it and went back to his office. All he can say after looking at the x-ray was "Oh, there is no fractures, but maybe some cracks somewhere. But there is nothing to worry about and you can go home now." He didn't do anything. He just wrote me the prescriptions and I paid and went home. I was on mc for 2 weeks.

When I came to work, the pain has gone abit. Then this one day I had a little bit of a jog. Actually it wasn't really a jog. I ran a bit from my room at the office to the front door. There was a fogging going on outside and I had to quickly closed the door to prevent the smoke to come in the office. Just that little jog made my back ache.

The next day I went to this chiropractic centre. I went there twice. One to bring my friend to treat her sprain ankle. The second time I had a shoulder pain. That shoulder pain was gone after the second day of treatment. And you know what?? I should gone to the centre in the first place.

Since the previous doctor has transferred to another centre, I was treated by this Dr. Han. He's a licensed chiropractor. A real one! I mean he uses his elbow to treat my back. There are improvements.

The 1st treatment

- Dr. Han had checked my back and did his elbow magic.

- He explained that my pelvis and spine near the pelvis is misaligned. My ligaments are all sprained.

- For this first treatment, he repaired the sprained ligaments.

- After that I had the ultrasound, electric and ice treatment.

The 2nd treatment

- I had the 3 treatment first before seeing the doctor.

- The doctor did his magic again.

The 3rd treatment

- Today was the third treatment.

- Like the second one, I had the 3 treatments first.

- The doctor concentrated on the painful parts at my back, because I complained about having a hard time sitting down. Walking not that much pain, but sitting is hard.

- This time however, he used acupunture. This was the first time I had such treatment, I mean in my life. And you know, I didn't even feel the needle got into my back. Amazing!

I can feel the improvements. God bless Dr. Han.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hoping for Greatness


I'm just so stressed out lately. With my work! I just can't take it anymore. Everything is on me. The burden is becoming unbearable. Poor little old me. I actually don't know to whom should I talk to. And my acne is breaking out! My God!

But hopefully this tortured burden will not be long on me. If you know what I mean.. Well, pray for me ok?

Hope things will turn out great soon.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Old and New Me


Alot of things happening now. Few bad things, some good things. But what affect me more are the bad things. I am super extra sensitive nowadays. My mind cannot accept small little mistakes. I am asking too much? Maybe...

Recently I was going through my old photo albums. I have loads of photos and they are not really in order. So since I was rearranging everything in my room, so I think, what the heck, might as well rearrange these.

Going down memory lane, different emotions runs through me. Happy, sad, happy again then sad again.. The most sad was looking at photos of myself during my university years until last year I think. Before this I didn't realize it that much, but my face was horrible! It made me think, did I really have the confidence and self esteem to go through the days with that face? Probably I did have some.

For those who don't know me, I have a terrible case, over the top acne problems. All my life! I don't have that many friends and one of the reasons was that nobody wants to be around me with a face like that. People made me cried with all the comments about my face. I got comments from all kinds of people; strangers and even from the people who I thought was my true friends. True friends accept who you are, the way you are. I ended up crying myself to sleep.. literally! Probably I should scan the pictures of my old me and show to everyone how ugly looking I was.

There were 3 things I am thankful for. 1. My family who accepts me. None of my family members, aunties or uncles nor my cousins ever commented on my horrid face that made me cry. Thank you so much for that. 2. My very true friends.. who don't even care how I look like and befriended me because of me. And 3. Eventhough I was looking like that, I had boyfriends and they loved me then.. at least that was what I thought.

Anyway, like is better now; emotionally, mentally and socially. My face is way better and pleasant looking. I used this product that I thought would never work. I have alot more self esteem now. Good for me kan? But you know eventhough I know that my face is way okay now, but I still feel like a stab in the heart whenever other people mention about that 1 little acne on my face. Sometimes I do get that, you know when it's the time of the month. Why do people even want to mention that itsy bitsy little acne that you can barely see? Don't you people have anything else to say? BETTER SAY NOTHING THAN TO SAY SOMETHING STUPID AND HURTING!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The "In Thing"

Ok, this is what a Malay would say.."Orang lain buat blog, dia pun nak buat jugak!".
That phrase, right in my face! Hehe..
Some of the people I know are into this blogging. And it has become the "IN THING" nowadays. And I, don't want to be left behind, created a blog of my own. I created it last week and I planned to post a blog everyday.. Yeah right, everyday!
It's not that I don't have the time, but I don't know what to write. What do people write in their blogs??
Any ideas anyone?